Hello from Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario. Our weather finally turned, having a few spring like days, and then we had summer temperatures move in with daytime highs reaching the mid-80’s. People were talking about the heat but I reminded them that just 7 days ago Fireside Lodge guests looked like they were fishing in late fall gear. This weather sure helped the Smallmouth to start their yearly spawning ritual.

Tom Nayder from Orland Park, IL, son Joel from Chicago, IL and Tom’s sister Leah Bezin from Berwyn, IL were back fishing at Fireside Lodge for their 10th consecutive year maybe 11th as none of us were sure of the exact year. On their day of arrival they caught fish with Leah landing 3 Northern Pike and a Smallmouth, Joel caught a 17.5-inch Smallmouth and Tom caught a Pike and Smallie. First full day of fishing they had a great day catching a mix of Smallmouth and Northern Pike and some were while fly-fishing. Second day these three caught many Smallmouth Bass, Joel landing the largest at 17-inches, some Northern Pike up to 33-i

Fourth and fifth day were full of fun catching many Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike and Tom landed two Muskie. They also had some great wildlife experiences as they got very close to a nesting Loon and also watched a very large Moose walk along a shoreline in the distance for what seemed to be 30 minutes. They got memorable photos of both and again banked another set of wonderful memories fishing together.
Good fishing buddies Charles Row from Maitland, FL and Jim Deck from Easley, SC were fishing at Fireside Lodge for there first time. First day on new waters they spent a half-day getting acquainted and then they found fish. They caught 12 very nice Smallmouth Bass up to 17.5-inches and lost at least as many, having to adjust their methods to accommodate the fighting ability of Smallmouth Bass. Second day was great as they caught 28 Smallmouth Bass with 60% being over 14-inches, each caught a 17-incher and Charles came up with the Smallmouth of the day landing a Master Anglers Award Smallmouth measuring 18-in

For the sixth consecutive year Bill Goodwin returned to Fireside Lodge with his wife Rosanna, and Grandson Jack for his first trip ever to Canada. For the third straight year good friends Mike and Darlene Dittoe from Rockwall, TX joined the Goodwin’s. Grandpa Bill and Grandson Jack wasted no time as they headed out to some of Bill’s familiar spots. Bill and Jack within a few hours before supper caught about 10 Smallmouth Bass with Jack getting 4 and a perch. Great start. First day fishing Bill, Rosanna, and Jack caught 15 nice Smallmouth 14 to 17.5-inches. Mike and Darlene had the same number of Smallmouth and each caught big 17.5-inchers. Second day Bill, Rosanna, and Jack caught 22 Smallmouth and had to use very slow retrieves to do so, as they saw many Smallmouth, Northern Pike and Muskie that seemed to be just sunning themselves and not responsive to any presentations. Mike and Darlene only fishing a half-day catching a few fish. Third day Mike and Darleen caught 21 Smallmouth by 1:00 PM, had lots of fun spending the rest of the afternoon enjoying a beautiful day on their cabin deck. Bill, Rosanna, and Jack had a fabulous day catching a lot of Smallmouth Bass and both Jack and Bill caught Master Anglers Award Smallmouth. That’s a Grandpa / Grandson double Masters Award. GREAT day for Jack. Also Jack

Long time guests of Fireside Lodge Larry Psyk and Larry Jr. (LJ) from Onalaska and LaCrosse, WI. Jim and James Nelson, from Oak Brook, IL and Livonia, MI, and Ken Beta from Fox Lake, IL. This year was a very special year in this groups 31 years of fishing together as Jim’s Grandson Bobby was being introduced to Canadian fishing for his first time. Great to see that the tradition of fishing with family and friends being passed to a new generation. Another special event was the celebration of Larry’s 70-th birthday on their day of arrival June 13th. We were fortunate to have a musician Leah and brother Tom at the lodge who offered up their services playing their guitars and singing a few birthdays tunes. The whole dinning room joined them and after a few kind words from family and friends, which triggered some of Larry’s emotions, everyone clapped and cheered for Larry reaching a special milestone in life. First day on the water these guys did well catching some Smallmouth Bass and Northern Pike, seeing fish everywhere they went. It was a great day with calm winds, warm temperatures in the 75-degree range, blue bird skies making it a very visual day. Last day you expect to catch a big Muskie according to all the experts, Right? WRONG!!!! LJ caught he fish of his life as he landed a

Charlie Walton returned to Fireside Lodge for his second consecutive year this time with his son Ben both from Hudson, OH, Mike Lewis from Akron, Oh and Juerg Schmid from Bath, OH. Charlie, Mike, and Juerd are all avid fly fishers. First night out in just s few hours of fishing all caught some Smallmouth and a few Pike were landed. Great Start. First day on the water it was only a threesome as Juerg was do to arrive at suppertime. Charlie, Ben, and Mike had a great day fly-fishing catching 22 Smallmouth Bass and five good size Northern Pike on the fly. Charlie came in early to pick up Juerg from the Sioux Lookout airport and after supper Ben and Juerg caught some nice Smallmouth Bass. Mike and Charlie caught 10 more Smallmouth and Charlie also cau

Allen Wortz returned to Fireside Lodge with his wife Patricia from Bluffton, SC to meet up with long time friends Bill Goodwin and Mike Dittoe (above). Patricia had not fished for a while and was a little unsure if it would come back easily. First day Al reacquainted himself with Little Vermilion Lake and Patricia with fishing as they had a fun day catching some nice Smallmouth Bass. It did not take more than a day and both were in top form as Al’s previous knowledge and Patricia’s fishing form coming back teamed up for a great day catching Small

For the tenth consecutive year Walt LaCasse from Minnetonka, MN headed a group of friends John Hietala from Northfield, MN, Ron Ditillo from Pittsburgh, PA, Jim Jones from McKinney, TX and Dick Oksanen from Dallas, TX. First day Walt, Dick, and Jim fishing together caught over 40 Northern Pike and 5 Smallmouth Bass and most of the Pike were over 30-inches, up to 38-inches landed by Walt. All of these pike were caught bet

For their fifth consecutive year father and son Bill and Mike Aulenbach from Barberton, OH and Ft Meyers, FL, Bill Rasbach from Hudson, OH and Jim Lowsway from Burlington, Ontario were back fishing together at Fireside Lodge. First day Bill A and Jim had fun catching Smallmouth Bass and Northern Pike, Jim catching nice 31 to 33–inch Pike with his special Luck Strike spoon, and Bill caught the biggest Smallmouth at 17.5-inches. Bill R and Mike caught a lot of Smallmouth and Bill R caught 20 on a fly rod using surface poppers. Second day was almost a repeat with even more and bigger fish. Bill A and Jim caught some great size Pike in the 30 to 34-inch range, some Smallmouth, with Jims Lucky Strike spoon producing again. Mike and Bill R caught 32 Smallmouth Bass, Mike with an old fashion surface bait, the Jitterbug, and Bill R with surface poopers while fly-fishing. Bill R caught a Master Anglers Award Smallmouth measuring over 18-inches on his fly rod. They all had a fabulous day as the smiles on their faces told the whole story. The other four days were also full of fabulous fishing and loads of fun among family and good friends. A few other highlights were the four of them catching 103 Northern Pike in one days effort, Bill R landing another Master Anglers Award Smallmouth at a GIANT 19-inches, Bill A catching his second Muskie of his lifetime, first was last year at Fireside Lodge, and Jim catching so many Pike on his Lucky Strike Spoons that he made us believers in using spoons for Northern Pike again. All had a Great Trip and hope to return in 2009.

Father and Son Bill and Mark Westbrook from New Philadelphia, OH returned to Fireside Lodge for their seventh consecutive year. First day on the water Bill and Mark had well over 30 follows on BIG Northern Pike and Muskie landing one Muskie and six Pike between 30 to 35-inches. Second day they struggled finding the Smallmouth Bass as they were trying all the spots they usually fish in August. Being the first time here in June we made some adjustments on their locations and on their third day they were back to catching a lot, and quality Smallmouth. They caught 33 and 10 were over 18-inches all being Master Anglers Award Smallmouth. WOW! What a great day Smallmouth fishing. On their fourth day it was all about Muskie fishing as Mark landed 4 of these ferocious fighters between 30 to 39-inches, and missed a fifth estimated in the high 30’s to 40-inches. Bill caught one Muskie and a Master Anglers Award Smallmouth measuring 18.5-inches. Great Day and Great Photos as all the Muskie were wide-bodied beasts. See these photos on our website at http://www.firesidelodgefishing.com
They are truly worth seeing. Their fifth and final half day of fishing ended up with about 15 Smallmouth Bass and a few more Master Anglers Award Smallies, and Mark caught another Muskie. In all they ending up catching 15 Master Anglers Award Smallmouth ranging from 18 to 19-inches, and 7 Muskie 30 to 39-inches, one lost at the boat and countless follows. Both had a Fabulous time and Bill’s parting words were “see you next year”. Special note: Congr

Jerry Amer, Dan Zeller, father and sons Bill and Adam Calhoon, and Glenn and Phil Babka from Columbus, OH. were returning for their fifth trip to Fireside Lodge. Day of Arrival from 4PM to 9PM these guys caught over 60 fish, both Northern Pike and Smallmouth Bass, and almost all while fly-fishing. Great Start! First full day of fishing was targeting Smallmouth Bass and they caught a lot, anywhere from 40 to 50 per boat with a few nice Northern Pike in the mix. Second day was complete gangbusters catching over 100 Smallmouth Bass including 10 Master Anglers Award Smallies, and well over 200 Northern Pike. Over fifty percent of the Smallmouth Bass were on a fly rod and 75 percent of the Northern Pike were caught while fly-fishing. Unbelievable fly-fishing but true. With all those fish caught in the first two days it did not matter what happened for day three and four but all continued to have great fishing catching many Smallmouth Bass and Northern Pike and finding BIG fish was not a problem. In the Smallmouth Bass Master Anglers Award category Jerry led by catching one at 19-inches, two 18.5-inches, and five measuring 18-inches, Father and son Bill and Adam had five each from 18 to 19-inches, both having two 19-inchers each, Glenn had 3 at 18-inches and one 19-inches, Phil caught a 18 and 19-incher, and Dan caught one at 18-inches. Fabulous fishing for this group and memories to last a lifetime were made. Thanks for choosing Fireside Lodge.
Make sure to go to our website listed below to see the 2009 Photos
Hot Lures of The Week: Black Twister Tail, Floating Rapala, Tiny Torpedo, Blue Fox Spinner, Ring Worm, Senko,
Hot Flies of the Week: White Deer Hair Pooper, and Frog Spun Deer Hair Pooper, Lefty’s Popper
Catches of the Week: 46-inch 30 pound Muskie, 20.5-inch Smallmouth Bass
Please note that we have a “NEW” email address below.
Well, that's it for this weeks Fireside Lodge Fishing News Report, Please stay tuned for next weeks report. Until then "Keep On Fish'n" Alan
Email: fireside@xplornet.com
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