GREAT BIG Muskie Fishing at Fireside Lodge
in Northwest Ontario Canada by Jeff McGlade
This week weather wise could only be described as unsettled summer weather. We had very nice temperatures but it seemed like the conditions would change two to three times daily. Most were in the form of rain showers or disruptive thunderstorms. As for the fishing most did very well dealing with what Mother Nature handed them.
Large Northern Pike Fishing by Jim at
Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
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Amazing Fishing for BIG Northern Pike at
Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada by Tom
Father Tom McGlade & sons Jim and Jeff from Palatine, IL and Indianapolis, IN returned for their 5th time with excitement and enthusiasm to chase toothy critters. 1st day they were on a mission for Northern Pike and Muskie catching some nice Northern Pike. This father and sons trio have taken on the slogan “Big Fish or go Home” and become attics of using bigger lures.
3rd Muskie of the Day Fishing by Tom at
Fireside Lodge in Canada
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Muskie Release Fishing at Fireside Lodge in
Ontario Canada by Tom
Special Memories Muskie Fishing at Fireside
Lodge in Canada by The McGlade Family
With all the excitement and wanted to tend to the fish, Jeff dropped their Musky net in the water and without hesitation dove it right after it and retrieved the net. All were very excited as they told their stories of the day in the dinning room.
Another Big Northern Pike by Jim Fishing at
Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada
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Having a BLAST Fishing at Fireside Lodge in
Canada with my Two Sons by Tom
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BIG Smallmouth Bass Fishing for Muskie and
Pike by Jeff in Canada
Crazy Double Catch Fishing at Fireside
Lodge in Ontario Canada by Tom and Jeff
Ray Deangelis from Cranston, Rhode Island and good friend and best fishing buddy Jim Rainone from Lake Lure, NC were fishing at Fireside Lodge for their first time. 1st two days these two did exactly what you should do fishing a new lake, picking apart sections one at a time. They did well catching mostly Northern Pike.
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BIG Smallmouth Bass Fishing by Ray at
Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
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Trophy Smallmouth Bass Fishing by Ray in
3rd day this paid off as they got into number of Northern Pike having a ball catching at least a dozen each. 4th day Ray seemed to have the hot had getting into a run on Smallmouth Bass. These two did great for their first visit catching between 18-20+ fish daily and on the final day Ray caught the Smallmouth Bass of his life hooking and landing a very large 19-inch Master Anglers Award Smallmouth Bass. When checking out both said they had a fabulous time fishing, meeting other guests in the dinning room, and were
Bob with a Nice Smallmouth Bass Fishing in
BIG Smile BIG Northern Pike Fishing by
Ollie at Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
BIG Northern Pike on Lite Line Fishing for
Smallmouth Bass are Fun by Bob at Fireside Lodge in Canada
Bob & Ollie Waldeck from Cotter, AR returned for their 8th consecutive year and were very glad to be back. 1st day had them catching 16 Smallmouth Bass and several Northern Pike. 2nd day was even better than the first catching well over 20 Smallmouth Bass along with some Pike. Day 3, 4, and 5 they had fun catching Some Smallmouth Bass along with a few Pike.
Smallmouth Bass Fishing at Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada by Ollie
Nothing Better Than Fishing BIG Smallmouth
Bass at Fireside Lodge in Canada by Bob
6th day was very good catching 34 Northern Pike with a lot of action. 7th day Bob said he feels like he is getting his adventure training that we normally get in Boy Scouts because over the last three days the weather changes at the drop of a hat alternating between sunshine or pouring rain with thunder and lightning. 8th day had these two doing well on Smallmouth Bass and enjoying a beautiful 74-degree day with no humidity.
Catching 32 Northern Pike in One Day
Fishing by Ollie at Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada
Happy Face Northern Pike Fishing at
Fireside Lodge by Bob in Canada
9th and 10th day were spent catching some nice Smallmouth Bass with a few Northern Pike mixed among the bass. 11th and 12 day they caught lot of Northern Pike searching for the Smallmouth Bass of a lifetime. Ollie and Bob love catching any species of fish but Smallmouth Bass is always their main target.
Super Trophy Catch Fishing by Ollie at
Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
Love Fishing in Northern Ontario Canada at
Fireside Lodge by Bob
Terrific Smallmouth Bass Fishing by Ollie
at Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada
13th and final day they enjoyed to the fullest fishing until 3:00PM, only driven in by possible heavy rain and thunderstorms. Bob and Ollie, even after spending two full weeks at Fireside Lodge, were sad to leave. For the past two weeks they were the socialites of the dinning room getting to know and visiting with almost all our guests. Before departing they made reservations for two weeks next year so the countdown to their 2020 arrival date began before leaving the Fireside Lodge property.
Trophy Size Smallmouth Bass are Common
Fishing at Fireside Lodge by Bob
Ollie with Another BIG Northern Pike
Fishing at Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
Fly-Fishing for HUGE Trophy Smallmouth Bass
at Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada by Ken
Ted With a Trophy Smallmouth Bass
Fly-Fishing at Fireside Lodge in Canada
Fly Fishers Love Fly Fishing Smallmouth
Bass by Dennis
Richard Santos, Pasco, WA returning for his 6th consecutive year with Dennis Collins for his 3rd from Kennewick, WA Ted Poston from Richland, WA for his 2nd time and Ken Gano for his 1st from Kennewick, WA. 1st day all had fun fly-fishing for Smallmouth Bass and Northern Pike and a fishing feat was accomplished as Ken caught his first ever Northern Pike while Fly-Fishing.
The Fly Fishing Casting Process At Fireside
Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada by Dennis
The End Result of the Fly Fishing Process for
Northern Pike by Dennis at Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada
2nd day was a slow morning but while Rich was experimenting with lures he
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Northern Pike Fishing in Canada at Fireside Lodge by Rich
Large Smallmouth Bass Ken
Fishing at Fireside Lodge in Canada
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MONSTER 21.5-inch Trophy Smallmouth Bass
Fishing by Eileen art Fireside Lodge Her 1st Time Fishing in Ontario Canada
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1st ever Northern Pike
Fishing at Fireside Lodge in Canada
Long time guest since 1995, Kevin Marks from Hebron, KY brought his wife Eileen for her first ever experience fishing in Canada. 1st night out there was excitement as Kevin hooked a big Muskie and had it boat side, but got off during the netting process. 1st full day fishing was unreal for Eileen as she caught 22 Northern Pike and three HUGE Trophy Smallmouth Bass, two measuring at 18-inches and one very special fish measuring 21.5-inches. Wow that is a fish of a lifetime. Kevin also caught 29 Northern Pike. 2nd day was a great day portaging to Booger Lake. They really enjoyed the walk in seeing Moose and Bear tracks and Eileen said as they approached the lake the beauty was astounding. Fishing was also great catching many Northern Pike sometimes one right after the other. Kevin had one streak where he caught 5 Northern Pike on 5 casts. 3rd and final day was GREAT as they visited Twin Falls, which was Eileen’s 1st time, and she was amazed at this natural wonder. The fishing was great finishing very strong catching 59 Northern Pike.
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2nd Trophy Smallmouth Bass for Eileen
Fishing at Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
Eileen, never doing a trip like this before, when asked if she would like to do it again, said without hesitation without a doubt, Yes. She not only enjoyed the fishing but also the wildlife and the natural wilderness, which surrounds you when fishing. She also said that hardly ever seeing another boat was something she never imagined and really loved the whole experience. Both left as they came smiling and full of excitement.
Holding a Master Anglers Award Smallmouth Bass Fishing in Canada
Duke Osborne from Osborne Ridge, VA returning to Fireside Lodge once again to chase BIG Smallmouth Bass, which we are well known for at Fireside Lodge. 1st day he had such great fishing he was in by 2:30 catching over 40 Smallmouth Bass. Great first day in anybody’s fishing book. 2nd day was a good day of 12 Smallmouth Bass and a BIG Walleye that broke off right at boat side. It is tough to land a fish while fishing by yourself. 3rd and final day of Duke’s abbreviated trip was another good half day Smallmouth Bass Fishing however he left in early afternoon to help a very good friend in need. Before Duke left he said he wanted to make a reservation for two in 2020, and we hope all goes well for Duke’s good friend.
GREAT Musky catching Fishing at Fireside
Lodge by Chris in Northwest Ontario Canada
BIG Smallmouth Bass Fishing at Fireside
Lodge in Canada by Doug
The Apt Brothers Doug (Better known as handsome Doug) and Chris from Crete, IL were making their 2nd consecutive year visit with us at Fireside Lodge. After the first day being on the slower side the 2nd day was much better catching a good number of both Northern Pike and Smallmouth Bass and Chris caught a Master Anglers Award Trophy 18.5-inch Smallmouth Bass. Also, Doug caught some Smallmouth Bass while fly-fishing.
Super Fishing for BIG Smallmouth Bass at
Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada
OK it is time to set the record straight from my 2018 Fishing Report during the week of 6/30 to 7/7. The two statements needing correction are 1) Chris caught a HUGE 43-inch Muskie. This was incorrect as Doug caught the 43-inch Muskie and 2) Chris, fairly new to fly-fishing, caught his largest fish ever while fly-fishing landing not one but two Master Anglers Award Smallmouth Bass both measuring 18-inches. Doug was the one who accomplished this fly-fishing feat not Chris.
Tiger Muskie are FABULOUS Fishing at
Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
Fly-Fishing for Large Smallmouth Bass in
Ontario Canada by Doug
3rd day they were shooting for Muskie all the way and did they ever do great having over 20 follows and catching four Muskie in one day, largest being 36-37-inches, two in the low 30-inch range and one under 30-inches. That is an amazing day Muskie fishing. 4th day they caught about 20 Smallmouth Bass but the bigger fish evaded them. 5th and final day was cut short finishing about noon because of expected heavy rain showers but they did OK for short day catching some nice Smallmouth Bass.
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GIANT Trophy Smallmouth Bass Fishing by
Billy at Fireside Lodge in Northwest Ontario Canada
Super Northern Pike catch Fishing by Joel
in Canada
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BIG Muskie Fishing Ultra Lite for Bass by
Joel in Canada
West with a Nice Smallmouth Bass Fishing in
Ontario Canada
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Trophy Smallmouth Bass in Canada Fishing by Mark
Returning for their second time were Billy Douglas, and West Newman from Memphis, TN Joel Fulmer from Nashville,TN and Mark Whitaker from Cordova, TN. 1st day Joel and Billy fished together having a good day catching Smallmouth Bass in a mixed bag of sizes, and Billy had the fish of the day, a nice 18-inch Master Anglers Award Trophy. Billy’s go to lure today was a #10 X-Rap. West and Mark also had a good day, although Mark said that the Smallmouth were tentative and not very agreeable, but the use of finesse techniques made their day productive.
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So Many Big Smallmouth Bass So Little Time
Fishing by West at Fireside Lodge in Ontario Canada
2nd day at breakfast I was talking to Billy and Mark about using slow
39.5-inchNorthern Pike Fishing at
Fireside Lodge in Canada by Mark
Lot of BIG Northern Pike Fishing in Canada by West
Terrific Fishing at Fireside Lodge in
Northwest Ontario Canada by Mark
Make sure to go to our website below to see some GREAT Fish Photos. For Fabulous Fishing Video, Wildlife Events, and Current Happenings go to our Social Sites Below.
Hot Lures: X-Rap, Yo-Zuri, TRD Finesse Worm, Sinking Worm, In-Line Spinner, Surface Poppers,
Catches of The Week: 21.5-inch Smallmouth Bass, 40-inch Muskie, 39.5-inch Northern Pike
Bob Giving His Send Off to The Great Wilderness
Fishing Adventure Until The Next Time
Well, that's it for this weeks Fireside Lodge Fishing News Report, Please stay tuned for next weeks report. Until then "Keep On Fish'n" Alan
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